Listen to Jenny Baxter talk about self-care, and the critical importance of looking after yourself, using the audio player above.
Tag Archives: RADIO
The First School Day Blues I had a chat to The BigJ about the impact of the new routines, and the blues that can unexpectedly hit when school starts, on Hobart’s ultra106five February 11, 2018 Have a listen to the audio, below. Or, further down, read the blog post, explaining how I got into the pits and […]
Depression During Pregnancy – A Pathway Through Shades of Grey “It was the best of times. It was the worst of times.” CHARLES DICKENS, THE TALE OF TWO CITIES You can listen to me talk about my perinatal depression experience HERE >>> Charles Dickens’ opening lines for his famous book, The Tale of Two Cities, come to […]
Work-life balance for mothers requires some fine footwork! The below snapshot of a fave childhood activity gives a picture of that sort of skill: When I was little, my sister and I enjoyed balancing the seesaw at our local playground. Perhaps you did the same when you were growing up. We’d stand in the middle, […]
A Matter of Life and Death Even though I walk through the [sunless] valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod [to protect] and Your staff [to guide], they comfort and console me. Psalm 23:4 AMP We had a tough week in my city of Hobart a while […]
You are Loved and not Forgotten Do you ever feel as though no one sees you. As if you are invisible? In reality, you are NOT forgotten. Jenny Baxter, talks with The Big J on Hobart’s ultra106five about being loved and not forgotten. CLICK HERE to listen to the radio interview. While it’s tempting to feel as though you […]