Tag Archives: GRIEF

Planning a Trip? 6 Strategies When Leaving Your Children

Planning a Trip? 6 Strategies When Leaving Your Children

Heading away for a holiday or trip, and leaving your children with friends or family? Sounds exciting! But it’s good to be aware there may be long-term outcomes, even with your very best intentions. This blog explains some of the strategies you can use to ensure your children manage the separation with as few adverse effects […]

Feeling Hopeless? You Are Loved and not Forgotten

You are Loved and not Forgotten Do you ever feel as though no one sees you. As if you are invisible? In reality, you are NOT forgotten. Jenny Baxter, talks with The Big J on Hobart’s ultra106five about being loved and not forgotten.  CLICK HERE to listen to the radio interview. While it’s tempting to feel as though you […]