For Life Hack 3 it has to be said: Sometimes all you can do is PRAY. Alice and I walked in to the high-end shoe shop, with a tinkle of the bell echoing through the store. “Can I help you?” The attendant was keen. “We’re looking for some shoes for a school formal,” my request […]
There was a recent news report about a Christchurch family who visited a local café. By accident they discovered they were labelled as the “family with the terrifying kid”! Read about it here >>>. I’ve learnt a lot about this. I’m not afraid to take my kids out in public – that’s partly because they’re gown […]
Your Future | My Future: What will life look like? A Day When I Remembered – Forwards When I was in Year 12, studying for my final exams, I caught a glimpse of myself in the just-turned-off TV screen. There I was, 17-years-old, and about to launch into my adult life. My teen-woman self. I […]
Mother’s Day. It’s a torn time of year for some. And greatly loved by others. All Sweetness and Light. The love (and dollars) that get lavished on mothers on this one day, barely accounts for all the time, energy and love given by mothers every day, of every year. But what do you do if, like me, you no longer […]
How to teach your kids self-awareness so they understand themselves better, and know the impact they are having on others. This blog adds to 20 Ways to Rock at Being a Mother No. 5: Be Self-Aware, which outlines your personal benefits of self-awareness, and how you can increase that quality in a personal sense.
A Matter of Life and Death Even though I walk through the [sunless] valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod [to protect] and Your staff [to guide], they comfort and console me. Psalm 23:4 AMP We had a tough week in my city of Hobart a while […]