Heading away for a holiday or trip, and leaving your children with friends or family? Sounds exciting! But it’s good to be aware there may be long-term outcomes, even with your very best intentions. This blog explains some of the strategies you can use to ensure your children manage the separation with as few adverse effects […]
Author Archives: dathoang
Fitness and Well-being with Jody Sargison “Together we find ongoing faith of living life in abundance,” says Jody. Jody’s passion is to create happiness in body, mind and home through self-confidence, worth and enlightenment of what’s possible. She brings to life individual purpose, and hidden achievements for mums. Jody understands. She knows it’s a challenge […]
Want to know how you can rock at being a mother? There are some simple things to think about to get there. You can do it! Have a listen to the radio interview to find out – this gives you Parts 1 and 2 of 20 Ways to Rock at Being a Mother: 1. You are loved […]
Motherhood Life Hack 3 is all about prayer, and praying for the ups and downs in your motherhood life. Here are some more pointers about prayer to help you on your prayer adventure.
The big conundrum: how to confidently leave your child at kindergarten. Every morning at our kindergarten, someone was rostered as a volunteer helper. One day when it was my turn, I watched with interest as a mother and son went through their farewell ritual. “Is it okay if I go now Billy?” the lovely mother […]
Do you ever let your emotions get the better of you, and you cause a storm in a teacup? Learn how to stop over-reacting. Your life (and the lives of those you are with) will be so much more peaceful. “The sun was out, and the brilliant blue sky was dotted with big, white, cotton-wool […]
The ANZAC spirit is alive and well with Catherine Sylvester, a dual Kiwi-Aussie citizen. Her ability to fight on through discouragement, and eventually triumph in spite of her battle scars, is inspiring to say the least! This is a traumatic story of grief, hope and perseverance in the fray, to eventually win the honor of motherhood. It’s also […]
Kathleen Cooke lives in Hollywood and is a media executive, producer and actress, writer and global speaker. She’s a founding partner at Cooke Pictures where she oversees casting, and is a Creative Director for all major projects. Kathleen wants to help mothers future-proof iGen children. I spoke to Kathleen about the iGen on the Treasuring Mothers podcast […]
Overtiredness. It sucks the life out of every mother, every so often. The busy-ness all adds up, and one day you wake up thinking you can’t move a muscle. The constant day-after-day grind of chucking food together, demanding children, work commitments, disturbed sleep, housework, care of family, and more. These are the normal myriad of […]
Generational Gaps: Who would have thought what your grandparents didn’t know makes a difference to you? Listen to Jenny talk to Scottie Haas on ultra106five about generational life skills gaps – because you don’t know what you don’t know! At the start, Scott mentions the chat from the previous week. You can listen to it here >>> […]