Catherine Sylvester – A Motherhood Life

Motherhood Life Catherine Sylvester is the Treasuring Mothers guest blogger for this post. Author, writer, speaker and comedy-junkie, Catherine lives near Auckland, New Zealand, with her husband and two girls. And she has a very real take on motherhood. This blog ties in with Catherine’s podcast: Treasuring Mothers Ep. 38. >>> Before I had children, I had […]

Holding Faith Through Repeated Miscarriage

Holding Faith Through Repeated Miscarriage

The ANZAC spirit is alive and well with Catherine Sylvester, a dual Kiwi-Aussie citizen. Her ability to fight on through discouragement, and eventually triumph in spite of her battle scars, is inspiring to say the least! This is a traumatic story of grief, hope and perseverance in the fray, to eventually win the honor of motherhood. It’s also […]