8 Undeniable Reasons Why You are a Woman of Influence

Some are born with influence. And others deliberately take it on. Yet others have it imposed upon them. Some people do it without even realizing or underestimate it. Nations have been won and lost with it, continents discovered using it, wars begun and ended with its power, slavery abolished, criminals locked away and the innocent freed because of it. In the Bible, Queen Esther wins it, Deborah is called to it, and Mary was highly favored. Each one was a special woman of influence.

8 Undeniable Reasons Why You are a Woman of Influence

Influencers of the World

Every leader influences the world around them.  For example, teachers influence their students. And footballers, actors, musicians and other cultural super heroes, influence thousands of people by being well-known role models.

In every sector of our community, influencers live and work, both for good and for bad; knowingly and unknowingly. People who pray can influence situations which are beyond their own ability to control. Such as “kings and all those in authority”, as written in 1 Timothy 2:1-2 NIV:

I urge … that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.

I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and
all those in authority

Maxi-Influencers. Fame & Fortune!

But it’s not just kings and those in charge who influence. Anyone in government can change the world. They, and others like them, make decisions hopefully for the good of the people. But beyond the “now”, they aim to build good foundations for the future. It’s an awe-inspiring responsibility. As well, there are leaders like media moguls, and CEOs of enormous multi-national empires. Like ships’ captains, these people deserve our respect, prayer and support, even if we disagree with their personal viewpoints.

It’s easy to think these maxi-influencers have ‘made it’ as far as influence goes. After all, what they do has the potential to change the lives of thousands, if not millions of people.

Maxi-influencers are involved in an incredible calling.

However, it goes beyond maxi-influencers. Because every single person, no matter what walk of life, carries a degree of authority. That’s what makes even you a woman of influence.

Micro-Influencers. The Everyday Variety

Maybe your tasks are not as striking as a politician’s decisions, or as high-powered as a journalist’s stories. However, as a micro-influencer, your small, every-day assignments are just as important. The choices you make and the way you interact with people, changes the world around you. A woman of influence could be a mother, a grandmother, a wife, girlfriend, aunt or sister-in-law. Whether or not they realize it, each one is a woman of influence.

Every time you pray for someone, offer a word of encouragement, or continue the quiet pain of appropriately disciplining your children, you are being an influence – hopefully a positive one. Every one of your decisions effects others. Like ever-expanding ripples in a pool of water, you influence your world. Even the way your parents brought you up affects the way you parent your children. It’s not too dramatic to say that the future of the world depends on you, a micro-influencer.

As a woman of influence, you too have an incredible calling.

8 Reasons You are a Woman of Influence

1. You are a Woman of Influence as you are ALIVE

Even if no one knows if you get out of bed or not, the fact that you are alive, and in someone’s thoughts and prayers, means you are an influence. Your friends, family, work colleagues and acquaintances are all aware of you at some level. If you don’t think anyone is aware of you, how about calling someone to them know you are thinking of them? That will influence them, for sure!

“All that I hope to be I owe to my angel mother”
Abraham Lincoln

2. You are a Woman of Influence as you LOVE UNCONDITIONALLY

Unconditional love is not a no-brainer, because it takes a genuine commitment of will to keep loving some people! But amazingly, mothers are the ones who can, and do, love their children “to the moon and back again”. And for a child (young or old) to know that they are loved can sometimes be the difference between life and death.

3. You are a Woman of Influence as you DECIDE

Your decisions make a difference to another person’s day. Actually, it may not even be today that’s the issue. It may be another day somewhere in the future when someone else is influenced by something you did. Often, this is called your legacy, which is anything handed down from the past . So, that would be you, sending some of yourself into the future. This could be via:

  1. The training you gave, both formal in a school or work setting; or informal at home, or on-the-run.
  2. Memories of their childhood with you.
  3. Diaries you write in.
  4. Keepsakes you make.

4. You are a Woman of Influence as you SPEAK

You influence people in the world who listen to what you say – in the past, the present or the future. The spoken word is powerful, and is often remembered for a very long time. (No doubt you remember quite a few things your parents or teachers said to you!) Never underestimate the possibility that what you say will be passed on from here into the coming decades.

  1. This includes influencing your children by what you say to them.
  2. It also includes those you have spoken to in your day-to-day life.
  3. You have an influence anytime anyone has altered what they do, because of you.

“The mother’s heart is the child’s school-room.”
Henry Ward Beecher

5. You are a Woman of Influence as you GATHER

It’s in the gathering, the sharing of community, the opening of your home to others, and the acceptance of other women, that you have a most powerful impact. So do not underestimate your ability to influence women around you, who in turn influence others! Gathering is simple, can be spontaneous, generous hospitable and inclusive. When it happens in a good way, you just know – you were made for this.

Wise people are builders – they build families, businesses, communities.

Proverbs 24:3 (The Passion Translation)

6. You are a woman of influence as you make GENERATIONAL IMPACT

Perhaps none of your grandparents are alive, however there is no doubt that they still influence you today. All because of the choices they made about where to live, what to believe and who their partners would be. When you think about it, they have had a profound effect on your life. Consequently, the same is true of your grandchildren – the ones you will influence.

“Grandmothers hold our tiny hands for just a little while,
but hold our hearts forever.”

7. You are a Woman of Influence as you MAKE A DIFFERENCE

Even your smallest contribution to sustainability, recycling and ethical purchasing, can make a difference to women across the other side of the world in continents and cultures unknown to you. Therefore, make the most of your power in these areas. And of course, your children will most likely copy you as these values become part of your family culture.

“There is no influence so powerful as that of the mother.”
Sarah Josepha Hale

8. You are a Woman of Influence as you PRAY

Your prayers can affect even the halls of power. Prayer is a powerful weapon! So pray for your children, your neighborhood, your schools, your local government, your country. As you keep a prayer journal and record your prayers and answers, you will see how you are influencing the world, far and wide. God loves to hear the prayers of his women, so make the most of your access to him!

How do you influence the world around you? Are you aware of any crazy-special moments?

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